Top 10 Survival Tips For Your Next Tech Week
Written by Tiffany Weagly-Wilkie
December 22, 2016
Trust us…you’re gonna need this stuff.
Starbucks: Caffeine Caffeine Caffeine

You’ve got some long rehearsal days ahead, so Starbucks is going to be your best friend.
Comfy Clothes

With 12 Hour Cue to Cues, this is not the time to dress to impress.

We all try to eat healthy when we can, but let’s face it, at some point, you’re going to get the munchies. Time for a fast food run.
Pillows and blankets

You’re in scene 12. The director is spending two hours working on just scene 3. This is the perfect time for a rehearsal nap.
Assignment Extensions – Wait …

You mean there’s classes outside of theater? And they expect you to do regular homework during during tech week?
More Caffeine

When you’ve lost track of how many hours you’ve actually been awake.

All those hours of dancing in character shoes are sure to leave blisters on your feet.
Makeup Remover

Because something’s gotta get that stage make-up off your face.
Lots of Deodorant

Your cast-mates will thank you for this one.
Your Theatre Department BFF

Because at the end of a long rehearsal, you’re gonna need a good hug.
A Gallon of Purell

That much work, with that little sleep, around that many other people, the germs will be passed around faster than you can say MacBe – (Oops!) The Scottish Play.
Sunday Sleep

You’ve survived tech week! You earned it.
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