Hey, Teachers! Free Ways You Can Use Performer Stuff in Your Digital Classroom
Written by The Performer Stuff Team
April 20, 2020
Are you a theatre teacher who is struggling to find free resources for distance learning and looking for some new ways to incorporate theatre-related material into your online drama classes, check out some opportunities below. With new articles and resources every week, PerformerStuff.com is a constantly growing resource for teachers and students alike. Bonus? They’re all completely free.
Use Performer Stuff’s inspiring social media series or Performer Tips to give students hope, advice, and encouragement.

Students are looking for advice everywhere, and Performer Stuff is eager to give students the boost they need to keep pushing toward their dreams. Consider starting each week or each class with a motivational note from our #MondayMotivation, #TuesdayThoughts, #WednesdayWisdom, or Performer Tips series.
Show a motivational quote from a theatre or film artist from our quotes series.

Reading the words of a theatre professional or a film star might give students perspective. Use our Quotes from Professionals series for theatre or film every day or once/twice a week.
Feature facts about theatre history from our #ThrowbackThursday or Performer History series.

Who doesn’t enjoy learning about bitesize tidbits of theatre info or the history of Broadway? Use our #ThrowbackThursday series to teach your students about Greek, Roman, Russian, African, and English theatre. Or use our Performer History series to inspire your students with the history of their craft.
Get the #TBT Image Series for Free Here
Get the Performer History Photo Series for Free Here
Inspire conversation for bell work using Performer Stuff’s Let’s Have a Conversation or Actors Asks series.

If you’re a fan of bellwork or journalling for the first five minutes of class, use our Let’s Have a Conversation or Actor Asks series to start a dialogue about students’ thoughts and opinions. It may help shy students develop a voice, and it might encourage every student to listen and respect other’s viewpoints and experiences.
Rouse laughter with our popular Theatre Meme series.

Laughter is an essential part of theatre, and here at Performer Stuff, we love to make our community smile. Our theatre memes are quite popular on Instagram, where we have 29k followers. Use memes to inspire some humor in your digital classroom.
Share from ever-expanding list of free Teacher Stuff and Educational resource articles.

Our educational and teacher resource articles include, and are not limited to, free lesson plans, theatre history, play performance suggestions, improvisation activities, advice articles, ideas for scenes, and much more. Explore our free educational articles written by theatre teachers and teaching artists from all over the world.
Promote laughter with our Just for Fun articles.

Use our fun quizzes, silly articles, listicles, and GIF lists to encourage humor in your digital classroom.
Use our advice articles for homework, extra credit, journal prompts, or free reading.

Performer Stuff has a wealth of information from professionals around the world, working in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Orlando, and London. Check out our free advice articles covering a full range of topics.
Promote play reading with our play reading lists and playwrighting articles

Performer Stuff has spent hours researching plays and playwrights to help students find material and learn more about playwriting. Let our reading lists be a guide for students who struggle with what to read next.
Use our how-to articles to supplement class assignments and teach students how to do new theatre-related things.

We’ve got a library chock full of free how-to articles, use these for homework, or suggesting reading as part of your class syllabus!
Support student’s post-high school plans with our college advice or audition tips articles.

We’ve got many educational articles, including series on college theatre programs and tips for actors who may want to dive right into their careers.
Encourage student’s interest in non-theatrical acting with our articles on film acting

We’ve got many film acting and theatre in film articles for those who are interested in exploring the cinematic side of acting.
Get technical with our articles geared towards technical theatre students.

Use our unique technical theatre articles to inspire creativity and outside the box thinking,
Help students to find their light with our inspiration articles.

Performer Stuff is first and foremost about community. We genuinely care about the whole heart of the artist. Use our inspirational stories to open your students’ minds to the possibilities of theatre. Be your student’s always-on ghost light in an uncertain world.
Find the Inspirational Articles for Free Here
Encourage students to find their own material for auditions with our material suggestion lists.

Last but never least, we love helping students become self-sufficient when it comes to finding audition material. That’s why we’ve developed stories that cater to specific musicals and plays to help actors and singers find the perfect audition cut or monologue for the play they’re auditioning for.
But isn’t it all free?
Our primary focus at Performer Stuff is to provide fantastic resources for our entertainment community. In addition, we believe that all artists should be paid for their work. One of the core pillars of our company is to make sure that copyright and licensing rules are followed, and that playwrights and composers are paid their royalties.
Read the Dramatists Guild’s Educational Info Here
Check out our suggestions for music and monologues for plays you may be casting this year.
Get the Audition Song Suggestions for Free Here
Need some advice? We’ve got you covered.
- 3 Clowning Exercises for New Directors
- 3 Essential Books for the New Director
- 5 Small Ways to Get Into (And Embrace) Your Character
- 5 Vital Questions to Ask Yourself When Performing a Monologue or a Scene
- 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Sweat Reviews
- 9 Useful Diction Exercises for Every Actor
- 5 Advantages of Learning Stage Combat
- 11 Makeup Tutorial Videos for Your Next Period Piece
- Don’t Be a Diva: Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
- 9 Articles of Clothing Every Thespian Should Keep In Their Wardrobe
- “Is my attitude not getting me roles?” And Other Essential Questions for Actors
- 6 Steps to Memorizing Shakespeare
- 10 Tricks to Staying Healthy All Season Long
- 5 Tips for Nailing Your College Music Theatre Audition
- How to Balance Theatre and Coursework
- 10 Items Every Actor Should Carry in Their Rehearsal Bag
- 10 Items Every Dancer Should Keep in Their Rehearsal Bag