12 of the Best Star Wars Roles All Actors Wish They Could Play
Written by Ashleigh Gardner
May 4, 2017
In addition to being a Shakespeare buff, I’m also a huge Star Wars fan. So in honor of May the 4th (be with you), Performer Stuff presents the 12 Star Wars roles we desperately wish we could play.
12. Grand Moff Tarkin

A bad guy’s bad guy. Deliciously evil and a fun role for anybody looking for an excuse to practice looking down their nose at everyone else.
11. The X-Wing Pilots

If it wasn’t for these heroes of the rebellion, the Death Star would still be intact, and goodness knows where the galaxy would be. Wedge Antilles, Porkins, Biggs Darklighter, Wes Janson, and Hobbie Klivian…not to mention celebrated pilot Poe Dameron. (RIP Porkins.)
10. C3-PO

Wit and sarcasm win every time.
9. Lando Calrissian

Lover, politician, and one-time scoundrel who betrays his friends, Lando makes a serious mistake and learns from it later in true good-character fashion.
8. Yoda

The wise, the skilled, the (at times) frustratingly pedantic Jedi master of Degobah makes us wish we had puppeteering and voice acting skills at amazing as Frank Oz.
7. Finn (FN-2187)

Who can resist becoming a rebel in the face of tyranny? Not Finn! His uncertainty about whether to stay and help battle the First Order (and his subsequent decision to fight) makes Finn one of our favorites.
6. Jyn Erso

A troubled childhood after the death of her mother and kidnapping of her father, an anti-hero personality, and the most chutzpah we’ve seen in a long time make Jyn a prime role for any performer who wants to kick butt and take names.
5. Rey

A heroine who chooses to confront danger even though she may die, Rey’s a top-notch role we’d fight for.
4. Han Solo

Dashing, brave, and a little reckless, Solo’s passion for life makes an excellent lead role.
3. Luke Skywalker

The ultimate hero’s hero. From whiny farmboy to X-wing pilot to master Jedi, this guy’s done it all.
2. Darth Vader

One of the most human of all villains. Vader embodies an antagonist who was originally nice-guy Anakin Skywalker, but then descended into a power-hungry tailspin after Emperor Palpatine convinced him the Dark Side was the only side worth joining (and the only side with cookies).
1. Princess Leia Organa

A competent leader, politician, and advocate of common sense, this woman is the ultimate example of a well-rounded character.
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