Top 7 Emotions All Actors Have During Audition Season
Written by Meaghan McKiernan
July 20 ,2017
From being super confident to wishing you had never stepped in the room, the audition process is never a straight line of emotions.
The Preparation:

When you rehearse and everything sounds amazing! So amazing you can’t decide what to sing because it all sounds so good. You are obviously destined for the part.
The Waiting Room:

And then you finally reach the audition date and you just want to get it over with.
The Moment Before:

Your name is called and you suddenly regret everything. Me!? I sing!? No…….
The Presentation:

Somehow you manage to show all the work you put into your piece and reveal your inner DIVA!
The Inner Oh God, Was That Good???:

But you walk out of the audition suddenly blanking on everything that happened from the moment you stepped on stage.
The Frantic Text to Your Friends:

“Oh my god. I don’t know if I was good or bad. I saw them writing a lot. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???”
The Moment You Spot Another Audition Posting (That You’re Probably Going To Rock Like You Rocked This One):

Oh, hey. What’s up audition on the 22nd? You game? ‘Cause I am.
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