Ten Sentimental Speeches for the Lucky-in-Love

Written by Amanda Grace

February 10th, 2021

Just because you’re taken, it doesn’t mean your heart stops breaking! ‘Tis the season for butterflies and lovesickness, and these characters have them in boatloads.

Love Sick by Gabriel Davis

(Male, Dramatic, College 18-22, Young Adults 20s, Adults 30-40s)

This man is emetophobic: he’s deathly scared of ever being ill. But when it comes to Jill, he’s willing to risk the tummy troubles—and he’s come to tell her father just that.

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From A Matter of Husbands by Ferenc Molnar, trans. Benjamin Glazer

(Female, Serio-Comic, Young Adults 20s, Adults 30-40s)

A young wife suspects her husband is conducting an affair with a bombshell actress, so she does what any young wife in such a conundrum would: she sneaks into the woman’s dressing room and confronts her with the evidence.

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From Hearts by Rosary O’Neill

(Male, Dramatic, College 18-22, Young Adults 20s)

A critically ill young artist has to reject his family’s fortune in order to pursue his passion-filled bohemian life, including his girlfriend, who he here tries to spare from the clutches of his monstrous mother.

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From Anna Christie by Eugene O’Neill

(Female, Dramatic, College 18-22, Young Adults 20s)

Sailor Mat Burke wants to marry Anna, but Anna’s father forbids the marriage. Tired of being fought over like an object, Anna reveals that she’s not as “untouched” as her father would like to believe.

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From The Awakening of Kate Chopin by Rosary O’Neill

(Male, Dramatic, Adults 30-40s)

Kate Chopin, author of The Awakening, must pick between her dying husband and her lover… who has just decided he must leave his family to be with her.

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From Motley Fool by K.M. Abbruzzese

(Female, Dramatic, Young Adults 20s, Adults 30-40s)

In this As You Like It spinoff, years into Rosalind and Orlando’s marriage, she’s still wrapping her chest and dressing herself in men’s clothing. Orlando takes issue with it, but Rosalind’s had enough of putting on layers; here, she pleads with her husband to let her wear what makes her feel like a real person.

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From The Enigma Variations by Evan Guilford-Blake

(Male, Serio-Comic, High School 14-18, College 18-22)

Spring. 1920. Barrister-to-be Richard has already secured Edward’s approval for his daughter’s hand in marriage. All that’s left to do is ask Isobel.

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From Boys by Ella Hickson

(Female, Dramatic, College 18-22)

Sophie is having a secret relationship with Mack, but the even bigger secret none of their circle knows is that she used to see Peter, who recently died by suicide. She’s in love with Mack, but she was still with Peter when they started seeing each other, and Mack forced her to choose between them—a moment she’s still hanging onto now.

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From Divinity Place by Greg Jones Ellis

(Male, Dramatic, Young Adults 20s)

Buddy is a Presbyterian man in love with a Catholic woman, and their relationship is one of acceptance and common ground—but their priest has just refused to go through with the wedding unless Buddy takes an oath to raise their children Catholic.

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Amanda Grace is an actor, writer, composer, improvisor and director whose work has graced stages from  Central Florida to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. She is based in London, where she is studying to obtain her M.F.A. in Actor & Performer Training at Rose Bruford College. Amanda holds an honours B.A. in Theatre Studies and a B.A. in Psychology, as well as a certificate in Shakespearean Performance from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Her original albums can be streamed at amandagrace.bandcamp.com.
Photo credit:
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash