5 Ways to Say “Thank You” to Your Cast and Crew
Written by Ashleigh Gardner
October 9, 2018
We’ve all been there: the quickly approaching close of a show, the bittersweet feeling of letting go of a cast and crew, and the bewilderment of realizing that you’ll soon have free time (what’s that?). But what do you to thank the people who’ve enriched your life for the past two months? When you’re in doubt, try some of the ideas below.
1. Write memento cards.

These are by far the easiest ways to say “thank you”. Write a small note to each cast and crew member thanking them for their presence during the production. You can find small blank notecards on sale at Target in the dollar section almost year round, and if you tend to do a lot of shows, then stock up! You can write anything you want in these cards: the positive effect a certain person had on you, a compliment on their personality or on the way they played their character, and/or a desire to work with them again in the future.
2. Give small gifts.

This definitely requires more planning, but the end result is always appreciated. Is there a certain prop or saying in the show that is an inside joke to your cast and crew? Use these ideas to help you figure out a small item to get each member of the show.
3. Write small cast and crew shoutouts on social media.

This is a bit like writing notecards, but it’s a more public appreciation of the efforts of your cast and crew. A director I know likes to “feature” a member of his cast or crew once each day leading up to opening night. This is a great way to celebrate your cast and crew mates while also letting everyone else know what they bring to the show. (In a way, you’re also advertising them to potential directors for future shows, which helps them along the way to achieving their dreams.)
4. Host a cast party.

Party planning is no joke! Food, entertainment, drinks, and games take a lot of time to gather, organize, and prepare, and if you’re the one to step up and help with that responsibility, it takes a significant load of off the backs of others. Like throwing cast parties? Volunteer at the beginning of the rehearsal process so you can start preparing early.
5. Work with them again.

There’s no better “thank you” than choosing to work with someone again, either by directly casting them, recommending them to your director, or by asking them to work on a project with you. This shows the other person that they are valuable, not only as an artist but also as a fellow human being. Theatre is about connection, teamwork, and love, and there’s no better way to show that than extending your hand and offering opportunities in the future.
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Ashleigh Gardner received her M.A. in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies (with concentrations in Contemporary Film, Psychoanalytic Theory, and Gender Studies) and her B.A. in English Literature (with concentrations in Early American Literature, Victorian & Gothic Literature, and Feminisms), both from the University of Central Florida. She is a playwright, a Shakespearean trained actor, a dramaturge, and a photographer.
Photo credits:
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Photo by Melody Jacob on Unsplash
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Photo by Andreas Rønningen on Unsplash
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash