11 Things You’ll See at a Theatre Troupe Halloween Party

Written by Zachary Rivera

October 4, 2017

Get ready for the annual thespian Halloween party…

1. The best costumes you have ever seen

If there is one thing theatre kids know how to do, it’s dress themselves. You are going to see some amazing costumes!

2. The worst dancing in the history of parties

It’s going to be pretty bad…but if you can’t beat them, join them!

3. Theatre games

If you gather a whole troupe of theatre students, of course games will be played. From improv games, to acting exercises, you’ll see it all!

4. Massage trains

Near the end of the party, when everyone is going home, and tired from the horrible dancing, there is a scientific gravitational pull that makes theatre kids form these chains of massage. Nobody has figured out why yet. Scientists are baffled.

5. Amazing food

We all know why we really go to parties. FREE FOOD. Sure it’s nice to see your class mates, and other cast members, but when free food is involved there is a 110% chance of a better turnout.


You can definitely count on there being karaoke. You’ll hear amazing singing, and not so amazing singing, but it will all be show-tunes and songs of the like!

7. One person renditions of Broadway’s best

There is always that one person that starts to perform for the party. You know the one. They try to perform an 18 person musical by themselves, and almost impress with their stamina.

8. The party pooper

Every party needs one. They try to police the party, and make sure it has some sort of structure. A necessary evil for any party.

9. Line dancing

Before the night is over there will be at least one of these. If you’re somebody who loves line dancing that’s great! If you’re not…well…I have news for you.

10. Fake blood

Some people will go for scary with their costumes. This means one very important thing to remember: watch out for fake blood. There will be a lot of it, and if you made your costume you’ll need to watch out for it. Good luck and godspeed.

Zachary Rivera is an actor and previous high school thespian in Central Florida. He is currently attending Daytona State College on a theatre focus track to attain his A.A. He plans to transfer to a Musical Theatre BFA Program and continue his career on stage.