10 People You’ll See at a Thespian Competition

Written by Zachary Rivera

January 9, 2018

Just in time for District Thespian Competitions, you might have forgotten the different types of people you get to meet! From the stone-faced judges, to the random kid who came up to you with puppets in hand, it’s definitely a crazy place to be.

1. The No-nonsense Judge

Probably the scariest thing any thespian will face at districts: A table of judges that all look like they are incredibly unamused by you. Don’t worry, it’s their job, and you’re doing great!

2. The Troupe Director Behind Schedule

Hopefully this isn’t your troupe director, but one troupe is bound to be running behind, and you know the face of an unhappy director.

3. The Student who Only Came for Extra Credit

We all know those people. The theatre students who are coming for a grade and don’t care…while they’re surrounded by singing and dancing thespians aplenty.

4. The Mega Thespian

The mega thespian is the person who knows every lyric to any musical, they’re practicing full voice in the hallway, and they are ready to play improv games with anyone and everyone.

5. The Troupe President who Thinks They’re the Actual President

The troupe President, while usually well fitted for the job, can let the power go to their head just a tad.

6. The People Doing Improv in the Corner

Improv games happen all over a thespian competition. They warm you up, they make you feel comfortable, and they’re just plain fun!

7. The Prop Master

At a thespian competition, there are rules regarding props, including the fact that they should only be used when absolutely necessary, yet we all know the one person with boxes of props including but not limited to: puppets, fake weapons, and sometimes even costume pieces.

8. The Person who Randomly Bursts into Song (Everyone)

We are all this person. Whether it’s our competition piece or the newest hit on Broadway you KNOW you’re going to hear some showtunes.

9. The Person Everyone Knows

Even though the troupes at the competition come from all over, for some reason everyone knows this person. Even you, and you just have to wonder: HOW?

Zachary Rivera is an actor and previous high school thespian in Central Florida. He is currently attending Daytona State College on a theatre focus track to attain his A.A. He plans to transfer to a Musical Theatre BFA Program and continue his career on stage.