Best Practices: 10 Useful Apps for the Busy Theatre Teacher
Written by Tiffany Wilkie
December 11, 2018
If you are a busy theatre teacher looking for some new apps to explore then this list is for you.
1. Sock Puppets

Sock Puppets lets you create your own lip-synched videos and share them on Facebook and YouTube. Add Puppets, props, scenery, and backgrounds and start creating. Hit the record button and the puppets automatically lip-synch to your voice.
2. Broadway News

The Broadway News App brings you the latest Broadway News theater industry journalism on-the-go, from the publishers of Broadway Briefing.
3. Sokkyo

Whenever you’re struggling creatively and you need a suggestion to prompt you back into action, Sokkyo has got you covered. There’s 18 categories of suggestions to choose from, 4 of them are randomly generated, so you’ll get unique ones every time! Sokkyo was also programmed not to show you any repeats until you’ve finished off the whole list of words, or if you close the app!
4. Team Shake App

Team Shake is the premier iOS App for creating teams. Instead of a hat and scraps of paper, the user enters his friends’ names in his iPhone and gives it a shake. The screen will then display a random set of color-coded teams. These teams can immediately be used for game play or shared via Facebook or email. The quick and easy selection of random (or balanced) teams eliminates fighting over who will be on which team. Innovative use of the iPhone shake gesture gives users the satisfying feeling of shaking a virtual hat without the trouble of carrying around an actual hat. Conventional buttons can also be used for those who would rather not shake their expensive hardware about.
5. Dramatic Music

Certain situations demand dramatic music. Now you have it! Spark up your conversations, stories and banter with the dramatic music that they deserve. The possibilities are endless with the Dramatic Music App(TM). Pull it out at just the right time to make everyone laugh. Highlight dramatic moments in your stories and conversations or use it as an ice breaker for those dull or really awkward ones.
6. Go Button

Play music and sound effects for your live show! From the makers of QLab. MORE THAN JUST A MUSIC PLAYER
Simple, consistent & foolproof playback every time; Incredibly easy to run your show – just press GO; Play sound effects and music at the same time; Take your show anywhere!
7. Broadway HD

This app allows BroadwayHD subscribers to watch content on iPhone and iPad. A BroadwayHD subscription or individual rental is required for full-length shows.
BroadwayHD® is an online streaming service on a mission to promote and preserve live theatre, extending the reach of Broadway and Broadway-caliber shows to anyone, anywhere.
8. Silent Film Studio

Love the nostalgic look of those old silent movies? It’s never been easier to create your own…instantly on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with Silent Film Studio. Right down to static, celluloid dirt and scratches and that old-time film look.
9. Line Learner

Line Learner helps you to learn lines as quickly and easily as you learn a catchy song. Line Learner enables you to record scenes from plays. It allows you to listen to the full recording while you learn your part. You can then select to leave gaps in the recording for you to speak your part aloud. A prompt button is there to remind you of your line if you forget. You can choose to repeat individual scenes, or the whole play.
10. The Accent Kit

Three of the UKs leading accent coaches present The ACCENT Kit: an invaluable tool and resource for actors, and anyone wanting to learn an accent.
Need some advice? We’ve got you covered.
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