Auditioning for Film Series: 7 Inspiring Books an Actor Needs To Read
Written by: Rachel Comeau
May 3rd, 2020
You’ve read acting books by the greats: Stanislavsky, Hagen, Meisner, Adler, Chekhov, and Strasberg. You know the ins and outs of character development and how to bring that to the stage. But how do you take everything you know and bring it into the lens of the camera? Here are some reading suggestions that will help translate your work onto the screen.
1. Acting in Film by Michael Caine

In theater, actors are trained extensively in voice and body so that a person sitting in the last row of the audience can see and hear your every move. But once the camera is three feet from your face, your ability to project may not best serve the moment. Michael Caine’s book is filled with all the tips and tricks to ensure the camera picks up your every thought. His masterclass is also available on Youtube, which has the same information as the book.
2. How to Stop Acting by Harold Gurskin

You always hear the best actors are the ones you can’t tell are acting. Well, Harold Guskin has found the trick to make acting look and feel effortless. With clients like Kevin Klein and Glen Close, his work speaks for itself. This book highlights a simple but effective approach to acting that will serve you in every medium and keep your work alive in every take.
3. The Warner Loughlin Technique: An Acting Revolution by Warner Loughlin

The camera picks up your every thought. Intimidated? Don’t be! Warner Loughlin has devised a technique specifically for acting on film. Through the limitless capacity of your imagination, this technique helps you develop an abundant emotional life for your character. With students like Amy Adams and Ryan Reynolds, it’s easy to see why this technique is taking the acting world by storm.
4. The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide by Jenna Fischer

A Survival Guide is right! Jenna Fischer breaks down the industry every step of the way, and She didn’t become a series regular overnight. When she moved to LA after graduating from college, she started her career by working as an extra. It was eight years before she earned the iconic role of Pam Beesly. Jenna Fischer persisted and never gave up. Thankfully, she’s provided actors with this inspiring book to help you navigate your way through this crazy yet wonderful industry.
5. Self-Management for Actors: Getting Down to (Show) Business by Bonnie Gillespie

The industry can feel a little overwhelming. It’s like running your own business, but your business is YOU. It’s one of the few professions in the world where you’re being paid for your time and IMAGE as well. Bonnie Gillespie’s book will give you all the tools you need to manage yourself and take your career to the next level.
6. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

The Artist’s Way may not be an acting book, but it should be a staple on every actor’s bookshelf. Film and television work moves in waves. One year you’re bouncing from project to project. The next year, you may not book a thing. It’s essential to stay connected to your inner artist even when you’re not working. Julia Cameron’s book will help you live like an artist every single day.
7. Scripts!

Ever watch a movie or TV series and fall in love? Of course! You’re an actor! Next time you find yourself falling head over heels, search for the script online. There are tons of scripts out there! It’s valuable to discover why you’re drawn to certain stories or characters. Developing the ability to decipher why you like something will make it easier in the future to choose which opportunities you want to take on!
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