9 Things We’ve All Thought When Memorizing A Script

Written by Tatiana Rodriguez

September 13, 2017

Learning your lines, it’s a skill of trade. A skill which everyone masters differently. Some actors may struggle to memorize lines (myself included) while other actors find it comes to them more naturally. Either way, if you’ve landed a role with several or more scenes to learn, you’ve probably thought at least one if not all of these things, while memorizing your script!

1) I’ll start this tomorrow…

2) Act one! Let’s just start with act one.

3) Why does my character have so many (or so little) lines!!!!

4) Maybe if I record myself and listen to it on repeat?

5) None of these words even look like words anymore…

6) Paraphrasing counts, right?

7) So close but so very far…

8) The offbook date is WHEN?

Tatiana Rodriguez is a student and a writer, currently studying at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is working to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Theater, as well as a certificate in Multicultural Theater Practice. She is a stage manager, a playwright, and an aspiring director.

Thumbnail image copyright NBC. Saturday Night Live.