15 True Blue American Songs (Traditional)
Written by Andrea Canny
June 30, 2017
Looking for a few patriotic songs for your 4th of July celebration? We’ve got 15 traditional American patriotic songs for your cookout.
1. “Yankee Doodle”

This was a classic song our parents would sing to us ‘oldies’ out there!
Get the sheet music here.
2. “The Ride of Paul Revere”

When the 2 lanterns in the church tower were lit, Paul Revere rode, alarming every household to call to arms against the British troops.
Get the sheet music here.
3. “America the Beautiful”

One of the best renditions of this beautiful song honoring our beautiful country, is by Ray Charles. Do yourself a favor and listen to it!
Get the sheet music here.
4. “God Bless America”

Notably recorded by Kate Smith, God Bless America became her signature song.
Get the sheet music here.
5. “Star Spangled Banner”

If you’re singing this song a cappella, my best advice is to start lower than you think you should. The 3rd note in the song is the lowest in the whole song and you realllllly don’t want to be stranded up in the vocal rafters later!
Get the sheet music here.
6. “You’re A Grand Old Flag”

George M. Cohan wrote this tribute to the American flag in 1906 for George Washington, Jr., his stage musical.
Get the sheet music here.
7. “Battle Hymn of the Republic”

American writer Julia Ward Howe used the music from the song John Brown’s Body and added her more famous lyrics in November 1861.
Get the sheet music here.
8. “This Land is Your Land”

When folk legend, Arlo Guthrie, was tired of hearing Kate Smith sing God Bless America on the radio in the late 1930’s, he sarcastically wrote God Blessed America for Me before renaming it This Land Is Your Land.
Get the sheet music here.
9. “My Country Tis of Thee”

Set to the same tune of the UK’s God Save The Queen, this song served as one of the de facto national anthems of the US before the adoption of The Star-Spangled Banner as the official anthem in 1931.
Get the sheet music here.
10. “Shenandoah”

This is a traditional American folk song of uncertain origin, dating to the early 19th century.
Get the sheet music here.
11. “The Cruel War is Raging”

A now classic folk song written by Paul Stookey and Peter Yarrow of the famed 60’s/70’s group, Peter, Paul and Mary.
Get the sheet music here.
12. “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”

Kids, this is a great song to start singing when you think your parents are making you work too hard!
Get the sheet music here.
13. “This is My Country”

The song is unique in that it honors both native-born Americans and immigrants.
Get the sheet music here.
14. “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again”

A popular song of the American Civil War expressing people yearning for the return of their friends and family who were fighting in the war.
Get the sheet music here.
15. “Over There”

This patriotic George M. Cohan song was designed to encourage American young men to enlist in the army.
Get the sheet music here.
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