15 of the Best True Blue American Songs (Popular)
Written by Andrea Canny
June 30, 2017
Looking for some popular tunes to sing at your 4th of July cookout with friends? We’ve got fifteen popular music options for your celebration!
1. “America” by Neil Diamond

One of Neil Diamond’s signature hits actually interposes the traditional true blue American song, “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” at the end of the song.
Get the sheet music here.
2. “American Girl” by Tom Petty

Tom Petty had more success with this song in the UK than in the USA until its re-release in 1994.
Get the sheet music here.
3. “American Baby” by Dave Matthews Band

Released as the first single from their 2005 studio album, Stand Up, Dave Matthews Band’s song, “American Baby”, encourages Americans not to lose their culture in the midst of political and social unrest.
Get the sheet music here.
4. “American Made” by Oak Ridge Boys

Hitting #1 on the country charts in April of 1983, this title song was another successful cross-over tune from the Oak Ridge Boys.
Get the sheet music here.
5. “American Pie” by Don McLean

This folk classic’s lyric, “the day the music died”, refers to the 1959 plane crash which killed early rock and roll performers Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens.
Get the sheet music here.
6. “American Woman” by The Guess Who

This Canadian written anti-war protest song came out of an onstage jam session to entertain whilst the guitarist changed his broken string.
Get the sheet music here.
7. “I Drive Your Truck” by Lee Brice

Inspired by a true story of a father who drives the truck of his fallen soldier son in order to feel close to him, this Lee Brice song hit the charts in 2012.
Get the sheet music here.
8. “For You” by Keith Urban

This song about the sacrifices made by soldiers played over the closing credits for the 2012 film Act of Valor.
Get the sheet music here.
9. “It’s America” by Rodney Atkins

In 2008, this song hit #1 on the country charts in the USA, Rodney’s fifth #1 single of his career.
Get the sheet music here.
10. “American Soldier” by Toby Keith

Keeping the #1 spot on the Billboard U.S. Hot Country Songs chart for 4 weeks, this song always gets a big response as Toby Keith often entertains the troops with the USO.
Get the sheet music here.
11. “Blowin’ In the Wind” by Bob Dylan

Dylan’s classic folk song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1994.
Get the sheet music here.
12. “Philadelphia Freedom” by Elton John

Elton John asked Bernie Taupin to co-write a song with him called “Philadelphia Freedom” as an homage to Billie Jean King’s tennis team, the Philadelphia Freedoms.
Get the sheet music here.
13. “Made in the USA” by Demi Lovato

This song won the 2014 Radio Disney Music Award for Best Road Trip Song.
Get the sheet music here.
14. “America” from West Side Story

Anita’s signature song from the Broadway musical, West Side Story, shares her love for her new country, America.
Get the sheet music here.
15. “Living In America” by James Brown

In the film, Rocky IV, James Brown sings this song before Apollo Creed enters the boxing ring, referencing Apollo’s patriotic image.
Get the sheet music here.
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