10 Times The Simpsons Did Theatre
Written by Ashleigh Gardner
November 1, 2016
The Simpsons has given us (as of this article’s posting) 28 seasons of comedy, history, warm feelings, political commentary, and family television. The series has also paid tribute both directly and indirectly to a few of our favorite plays and musicals. Below is a short list of a few times The Simpsons lovingly referenced our craft.
When they did a musical version of A Streetcar Named Desire.

Season 4, Episode 2: “A Streetcar Named Marge”
When they killed zombie Shakespeare.

Season 4, Episode 5: “Treehouse of Horror III”
When they did Hamlet.

Season 13, Episode 14: “Tales from the Public Domain”
When they parodied My Fair Lady.

Season 17, Episode 12: “My Fair Laddy”
When they did Macbeth.

Season 20, Episode 20: “Four Great Women and a Manicure”
When they parodied Beauty and the Beast.

Season 6, Episode 20: “Two Dozen and One Greyhounds”
When they nearly did Les Miserables.

Season 25, Episode 19: “What to Expect When Bart’s Expecting”
When they parodied The Music Man.

Season 4, Episode 12: “Marge vs. the Monorail”
When Mary Poppins showed up.

Season 8, Episode 13: “Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious”
When Lisa was dressed like Eva Perón from Evita.

Season 15, Episode 3: “The President Wore Pearls”
Let us know if we missed any of your favorites!