You Might Be a Theatre Kid If…

Written by Rob Ward

July 12, 2016

1. You’ve been accused of talking or singing to yourself (when you’re really just learning your words).

2. You frequently give Broadway concerts in the car.

3. You’ve worn costume pieces to school.

4. Non-Theatre People think you’re weird, and you don’t care.

5. You’ve had another person undress and redress you in 35 seconds or less.

6. You’ve somehow balanced tech week, thespian competition, and school finals all at the same time, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

7. You know that real men wear makeup.

8. You know how to measure a year in the life.

9. Playing a baseball player in Damn Yankees is as close to being an athlete as you’ll ever get.

10. You’re always thinking of new “special skills” to add to your theatre resume.

11. You’ve thought you were going to lose your mind waiting for a cast list to be posted.

12. You’ve sat through your share of rough auditions.

13. You’ve been called a “Drama Queen” on more than one occasion.

14. You’ve had a co-star’s spit all over your face during a dramatic scene.

15. You know to make a dramatic entrance…

16. … And a dramatic exit.

17. When you step into the theatre, you know it’s exactly where you belong.

Rob Ward is a freelance show writer and director and a resident improv performer and instructor at Orlando’s SAK Comedy Lab.
Thumbnail: Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash