10 Reasons Why Your Thespian Peeps Are Actually Your Family

Written by Tiffany Weagly-Wilkie

July 6, 2016

1. They’ve seen you at your absolute worst and still love you.

2. You spend copious amounts of time together.

3. You can be yourself around them knowing there is no judgment.

4. You’ve created so many inside jokes that only you get.

5. They’ve seen you in your unmentionables.

6. You’re the only one who can pick on your family.

7. They know your deepest, darkest secrets.

8. They are honest with you.

9. You have survived many hellacious experiences together.

10. In the end, they always have your back.

Tiffany Weagly-Wilkie is the Director of Theatricals for PerformerStuff.com. She also serves as the Casting Director for The Imagination House.
Thumbnail: Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash