12 of the Best Expectations vs. Reality Moments: Theatre Edition

Written by Rob Ward

August 23, 2016

A theatre kid’s first musical may not always go as expected.

Reactions to your first audition:



On the first try, you will be a natural. With little effort on your part, the directors will be wowed beyond belief.



There’s a lot of talented people out there. If you don’t put in the work, you won’t make a good impression. But hey, maybe you’ll still get a part in the ensemble, and an opportunity to learn, which leads to…

First Musical Rehearsal



The minute you open your mouth, the song you sing will sound like pure perfection the first time. That’s how it happened on Glee, right?



Life is not a TV show. It won’t be perfect the first time. Singing in a musical is so much more than relying on natural talent. Hitting all the right notes, harmonies, and melodies takes time and rehearsals. A good vocal coach, who knows his or her stuff, can get you there. Take your notes, and practice practice practice, and you’ll get there, just don’t forget to save some energy for…

Choreography Rehearsal



You’ve got rhythm. You know how to move. You put on one heck of a concert in your livingroom when you’re home alone and your favorite song comes on, so of course choreography will come natural to you.



Freestyle dancing to pop music and learning musical theatre choreography are two very different things. Yes, both involve rhythm and movement, but theatre choreo can be complex and intricate.  The old saying goes, “you have to learn to crawl before you can walk.” In theatre you have to learn to count (usually an 8-count) before you can dance. Don’t worry though, keep following your choreographer, and you’ll get those moves down, but just when you have it all mastered, you need to learn how to do it in costume. And speaking of costumes…

Costume Parade



Everyone will be stunned when you join the costume parade in your fashionable and unforgettable new costume.



That new costume IS unforgettable, for all the wrong reasons. It’s shapeless, scratchy, and smells like Grandma’s attic, but the director and costumer both say, “It’s perfect.” You’re embarrassed to know that in just a few days, you’ll be wearing this frock in front of…

The Audience



The theatre will be packed to the walls, full of raving fans, who can’t possibly remain in their seats when the show ends.



Live theatre isn’t for everyone, and every audience is different. Some crowds show their appreciation vocally, and some are on the quieter side, but despite what Lady Gaga says, theatre kids don’t live for the applause, we live for the …

Theatre Fam



Between your cast and crew mates, you’ll find your BFF.



You won’t find A BFF. In theatre you’ll find MANY friends who will be a part of your life forever.

Rob Ward is a freelance show writer and director and a resident improv performer and instructor at Orlando’s SAK Comedy Lab.
Thumbnail image from the 2014 production of HeathersPhoto copyright Chad Batka.